The easiest way to use SymXchange™

NexumAPI gives your credit union developers a RESTful interface to communicate with the Symitar core platform so you can skip out on the SOAP learning curve while engineering powerful internal apps. Oh, and we have interactive docs.

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Screenshot of NexumAPI TypeScript bindings being used in Visual Studio code.
Stylized image of SymXchange (before) and NexumAPI (after) code blocks in Visual Studio Code with snowflakes.

Simplify every request you send to SymXchange™

We translated every SymXchange™ SOAP service to JSON so your developers don't have to. Yes, all services and all operations.

Popular NexumAPI Features

HTTP Error Codes
We translated all SymXchange™ error responses to HTTP error codes for better stack management.
Order Agnostic Requests
Let us worry about the order of the elements in your SymXchange™ requests.
Form URL-Encoded
Easily send silent NaaS requests through custom PowerOn to bypass FM validation restrictions.

Pick the NexumAPI offering that works for you


Support for all SymXchange™ SOAP services
Maintain 1-to-1 SymXchange™ version parity
Comprehensive Docs & SymX API reference
Language agnostic, ready-to-use service
Custom logging/monitoring of SymXchange™ usage
SymXchange™ Passthrough Mode
Multi-operation chained actions
Optional VPN tunnel
Managed infrastructure
Automatic updates
Load balancing & auto scaling
High availability
Stylized image of various snowflakes in a container.
Stylized image of various snowflakes in a container.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is NexumAPI?
NexumAPI is a secure and portable RESTful SOAP to JSON translation solution for SymXchange™.
What are the different offerings of NexumAPI?
The most popular type of offering is NexumAPI as a Service (NaaS) which is either a self-hosted or Libum-hosted solution for your developers to consume as a RESTful data service which acts as a proxy for SymXchange™.